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2015-09-16 22:50     (点击: )

(在大数据浪潮中纪念模糊集合论诞生 50 周年)
International Conference on Oriental Thinking and Fuzzy Logic
Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of Fuzzy Sets in Big Data Era
日期: 2015 8 17-20
中国. 辽宁工程技术大学,大连大学,大连工业大学
今年是 L.A.Zadeh 教授创立模糊集与系统理论 50 周年,为纪念这个重要的日子,也为了适应大数据的形势需要, 中国运筹学会模糊信息与工程分,中国管理现代化研究会商务智能专业委员会和中国人工智能学会可拓学专业委员会将 2015 8 17-20 日在中国海滨城市大连联合举办《 东方思维与模糊逻辑(在大数据浪潮中纪念模糊集与系统创立五十周年)》国际学术会议。这是一次四合一的会议:即 中国运筹学会模糊信息与工程分会的《第八届模糊信息与工程年会》,中国管理现代化研究会商务智能专业委员会的《第二届大数据与大数据科学进展主题论坛》,中国人工智能学会可拓学专业委员会的《可拓学与创新方法论坛》和辽宁工程技术大学所召开的《第三届智能工程与数学论坛》。
会议由模糊集合理论创始 Zadeh 教授担任荣誉主席,我们很荣幸地请到他的理论与应用在中国的主要传播者汪培庄教授担任本会的顾问委员会主席。
Zadeh 教授将发表远程视频报告。会议将回顾模糊集理论对数据科学的贡献和影响,并本着推陈出新的精神,大力提倡新的理论和方法。汪培庄教授在会议主旨报告中将介绍中国学者所共同创立的因素空间理论。希望大会开得奋发团结,勤俭务实。
荣誉主席 L. A. Zadeh
主席 刘增良
席: 汪培庄
(按姓氏英文字母排序;中外院士标以 * 号)
B. Bouchon -Meunier ( ) ,
D. Dubois ( ) F. G. Filip* ( 罗马利亚 )
G. Germano( 意大利 ) 郭桂蓉 *
顾基发 , 何新贵 *
G. Klir*( ) 李德毅 *
* 刘应明 *
林进灯 ( 中国台湾 ) 罗承忠,
M. Mizumoto( ) 欧进萍 *
W. Pedrycz* ( ) H. Prade ( )
, R. Slowinski ( 波兰 ) ,
H. Suzuki ( ), ,
汪寿阳 , 王震源 ( )
吴从炘 , 吴望名 ,
徐宗本 *, Y.Y.Yager( ),
T. Yamakawa( ), 姚一豫 ( ) ,
杨炳儒, 张文修 ,
朱剑英, 朱梧槚,
曹炳元,陈永义 ,陈水利,丁利亚, I. Dzitac ( 罗马尼亚 ) H.-V. Enrique ( 西班牙 ) ,冯嘉礼 ,付 强, 胡宝清 , 胡卫东,黄崇福 哈明虎 , 韩立岩 , 清, 刚,李建平,李洪兴 , 李太福 廖祖华 , 鲁晨光,吕皓中 ( ) ,马生全 , 米洪海,莫智文, 欧阳合 彭先图 ( ) ,齐志泉, , 宋振明,苏秀雯, 田英杰 ,佟绍成,王立东, 王学平 ,肖辞源, 谢祥俊, ,徐方瞿, 徐泽水 , 阎国军 ,杨春燕, 伊良忠, 业, 应明生 , 于福生, 袁学海 曾文艺 , , 诚一 张长青 ( ) ,张洪敏 ( ) 张 强
席:王继仁 邹开其
包研科 ,崔铁军,戴 宁,陈 刚, 程奇峰 邓存宝 郭嗣琮 ,姜 璐, 李晓忠 , 刘永昌,卢明森, 孙劲光,王 和,王 犀, 汪华东 ,王智森,汪祖民,吴 钢,杨应智,耀 莲,叶元洪,于
郭建威 ,姜青山,李兴森, 刘海涛,张欣阳,钟育彬
组长: 曾繁慧
成员: 李建军、焦丽、单丽
会务组: 0418-3351222
秘书长: 15241892552
电子邮箱: IIEM_LNTU@163.com
通信地址: 辽宁省阜新市,辽宁工程技术大学智能工程与数学研究院,
编: 1 23000
会议征文范围 (不限下列主题)
A 模糊信息处理与工程
A1 模糊逻辑与代数
A2 模糊分析
A3 模糊规划与最优化
A4 随机集模糊落影与集值统计
A5 模糊决策系统
A6 模糊知识工程
A7 模糊运筹与应用
A8 模糊控制与应用
A9 模糊模式识别与应用
A10 模糊数学方法的大数据应用
B 互联网与大数据应用
B1 互联网数据分析理论与方法
B2 互联网中的模糊信息及语意分析
B3 智联网理论与应用
B4 广义数据分析理论
B5 似然分析在人工智能中的应用
B6 非结构化数据挖掘算法设计理论
B7 大数据的组织、管理与通讯
B8 智能优化算法的创新设计
B9 经典智能优化算法及其大数据应用
B10 经典数据挖掘算法的改进研究及其大数据应用
C 因素空间与因素神经网络
C1 基于因素空间和因素神经网络的知识表示
C2 基于因素空间和因素神经网络的数据挖掘
C3 因素数据库与大数据结构
C4 基于因素空间的因果分析方法
C5 因素空间的变权理论与决策
C6 因素空间的势优化
C7 基于因素空间的人机认知体
C8 基于因素空间的金融认知调控系统
C9 基于因素空间的矿山安全系统,因素空间故障树
C10 因素库语言与因素库词典
D 信息粒化与粒计算
D1 粒子分层结构模型
D2 形式概念分析与粒逼近表示
D3 基于模糊集的粒计算
D4 基于粗糙集的粒计算
D5 粒计算与大数据挖掘
D6 粒概念认知系统
E 可拓学与创新方法
E1 可拓集与可拓逻辑的理论及其应用
E2 可拓数据挖掘
E3 可拓策略生成方法与系统
E4 可拓控制
E5 可拓设计
E6 可拓模式识别
E7 可拓创新方法及其应用
E8 可拓学与因素空间
E9 大数据应用的矛盾问题与可拓学建模
E10 大数据时代的创新方法
重要日期 :
提交论文初稿截止日期: 201551
录用 / 不录用通知日期 : 2015530
提交论文终稿日期: 2015620
[1] Int. J. of Information Technology and Decision Making(SCI)
[2] Springer 出版的《 Annals of Data Science
[3] J. of Systems Science and Information
[4] Elsevier 出版的《 Fuzzy Information and Engineering
[5] 《模糊系统与数学》 (中英文核心期刊)
[6] 辽宁工程技术大学 学报自然科学版(中文核心期刊)
(1) 论文初稿可利用 Word 排版或者 PDF 文件形式
(2) 论文初稿直接发到电子邮箱 icotafl@126.com
(3) 注明“会议论文稿件”,同时注明作者联系的电子邮箱。
International Conference on Oriental Thinking and Fuzzy Logic
( Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of Fuzzy Sets in Big Data Era
When: August 17-20, 2015
Organizing Institutes
Fuzzy Information & Engineering Branch, Operation Research Society ofChina(FIEB, ORSC)
Technical Committee on Business Intelligence, Chinese Society for Management Modernization (TCBI, CSMM)
Extenics Society, Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence (ES,CAAI)
Liaoning Technical University ,China (LNTU)
Dalian University ,China
Dalian Polytechnic University ,China
Beijing Cazl Technology Service Co., Ltd.
In order to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Fuzzy Sets and Systems and cope with the challenges of Big Data Tide, we hold the International Conference on Oriental Thinking and Fuzzy Logic (Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of Fuzzy Sets in Big Data Era during Aug. 17-20th,2015 inthe famous and beautiful coastal city,Dalian,China. This conference is a united conference of the 8th International Conference on Fuzzy Information and Engineering held by FIEB, ORSC, the 2nd Symposium on Big Data and Data Science held by TCBI, CSMM, Forum on Extenics and Innovation Methods held by ES, CAAI and the 3rd Workshop on Intelligence Engineering and Mathematics held by LNTU.
The honorary chair for t his conference will be the founder of Fuzzy Sets Theory, Prof. L. A. Zadeh . His friend, Prof. Peizhuang Wang, who is the disseminator of fuzzy mathematics and its applications inChina, will be the chair of the Advisory committee.
Prof. L. A. Zadeh will deliver a video speech for the conference. This conference will review the significant contributions which Fuzzy Sets Theory has made to the Data Science, and will welcome new theory and methods. Prof. Peizhuang Wang will introduce the Factor Space Theory created by Chinese scholars in his keynote speech.
Taking this opportunity, we sincerely welcome our colleagues worldwide to join us for this conference and share the latest and excited progress.
Honorary Chair: L. A. Zadeh
Chair: Zengliang Liu
Advisory Committee (in alphabetical order by Pinyin of last name)
Chair: Peizhuang Wang
B. Bouchon Wen Cai (China) ,
Dubois ( France ) F. G. Filip ( Lomania )
G. Germano(Italy). Guirong Guo(China) ,
Jifa Gu (China) , Xingui He (China) ,
G. Klir( USA ) Deyi Li (China) ,
Wei Li (China) , Jindeng Lin (Taiwan,China),
Yingming Liu (China) , Chengzhong Luo,
M. Mizumoto( Japan ) Jinping Ou (China)
W. Pedrycz ( Canada ) H. Prade ( France )
Ping Ren (China) , R. Slowinski (Polan)
H. Suzuki ( Japan ), Hao Wang (China) ,
Shouyang Wang (China) , Zhenyuan Wang ( USA )
Congxin Wu (China) , Wangming Wu (China),
Zongben Xu (China) , Y.Y.Yager(USA),
Y. Y. Yao (Canada) , T.T.Yamakawa( Japan ),
Bingru Yang (China) Wenxiu Zhang (China) ,
Jianying Zhu (China) , Wujia Zhu (China)
Zhaowen Zhuang(China)
International Program Committee
Chair: Yong Shi (China)
Bingyuan Cao(China), Yongyi Chen (China), Shuili Chen (China),
Liya Ding (China), I. Dzitac (Romania), H.-V. Enrique (Spain),
Jiali Feng (China), Qiang Fu (China), Baoqing Hu(China),
Weidong Hu(China), Chongfu Huang (China), Minghu Ha (China),
Liyan Han (China), Qing He (China), Gang Kou (China),
Jianping Li (China), Hongxing Li (China), Taifu Li (China),
Zuhua Liao (China), Chenguang Lu(China), H. C. Lui (USA)
Shengquan Ma (China), Honghai Mi (China), Zhiwen Mo (China)
He Ouying (China), Xiantu Peng (USA), Zhiquan Qi (China),
Yan Shi (China), Zhenming Song(China) Xiuwen Su (China),
Yingjie Tian (China), Shaocheng Tong (China), LidongWang (China),
Xueping Wang (China), Ciyuan Xiao (China), Xiangjun Xie (China),
Yang Xu (China), Fangqu Xu (China), Zeshui Xu (China),
Guojun Yan (China), Chunyan Yang (China), Liangzhong Yi (China),
Fusheng Yu (China), Xuehai Yuan (China), Wenyi Zeng (China),
Bo Zhang (China), Chengyi Zhang (China), Changqing Zhang (USA),
Hongmin Zhang (China) , X.H.Zhang (Singapore),
Organizing Committee
Chair: Jiren Wang, Kaiqi Zou
Member: (in alphabetical order by Pinyin of last name)
Yanke Bao, Tiejun Cui, Ning Dai,
Gang Chen, Qifeng Cheng, Cunbao Deng,
Li Guo, Sicong Guo, Ping He,
Lu Jiang, Xiaozhong Li Yongchang Liu,
Mingsen Lu, Jing-Guang Sun He Wang
Xi Wang Huadong Wang, Zhisen Wang,
Zumin Wang, Gang Wu, Yingzhi Yang,
Daizy Yao, Yuanhong Ye, Lian Yu
Secretararies (in alphabetical order by Pinyin of last name):
General: Jianwei Guo, Qingshan Jiang, Xingsen Li,
Haitao Liu, Xinyang Zhang, Yubin Zhong
Publication Committee
Chair: Fanhui Zeng
Member: Jianjun Li, Li Jiao
Organization Committee Secretariat
Intelligence Engineering and Mathematics,LiaoningTechnicalUniversity,Fuxin City,LiaoningProvince,China, 123000
Tel: +86-418-3351222
Email: IIEM_LNTU@163.com
Topics of OTFL 2015 will be focused on, but not limited to
A Fuzzy Information Processing and Engineering
A1 Fuzzy logic and algebra
A2 Fuzzy analysis
A3 Fuzzy programming and optimization
A4 Random set and Falling shadow, set-valued statistics
A5 Fuzzy decision system
A6 Fuzzy knowledge engineering
A7 Fuzzy operations research and applications
A8 Fuzzy control and applications
A9 Fuzzy pattern recognition and applications
A10 Applications of fuzzy models on Big Data
B Internet and Big Data Applications
B1 Theory and methods for analyzing Internet data
B2 Fuzzy information and semantic analysis in the Internet
B3 Theory and applications of Internet of intelligences
B4 Generalized data analysis theory
B5 Likelihood analysis in the application of artificial intelligence
B6 Design theory of unstructured data mining algorithm
B7 Organization, management and communication of big data
B8 Innovative design of intelligent optimization algorithms
B9 Classic intelligent optimization algorithm and its applications on big data
B10 Improved classic data mining algorithm and its applications on big data
C Factor Space and Factorial Neural Networks
C1 Knowledge representation based on FS and FNN
C2 Data mining based on FS and FNN
C3 Factorial database structure in big data
C4 Causal analysis based on FS and FNN
C5 Varying weights and decision making in factor space
C6 Potential optimization in factor spaces
C7 Man-machine recognizer built on Factorial database
C8 Financial man-machine recognizer built on Factorial database
C9 Mine man-machine recognizer built on Factorial database
C10 Factorial database language and lexicon
D Information granulation and Granular Computing
D1 The model of Granular layer structure
D2 Formal concept analysis and granular approximation
D3 Granular computing based on fuzzy sets
D4 Granular computing based on rough sets
D5 Granular computing and data mining for big databases
D6 Granular concept recognition systems
E Extenics and Innovation Methods
E1 Theories and applications of extension set and extension logic
E2 Extension data mining
E3 Extension strategy generating method and system
E4 Extension control
E5 Extension design
E6 Extension pattern recognition
E7 Extension innovation methods and applications
E8 Extenics and Factor Space
E9 Contradictories in application of Big Data and its Modeling on Extenics
E10 Innovation Methods in Bid Data Era
Key Dates
Submission Deadline: May 1, 2015
Notification of Acceptance: May 30, 2015
Final Submission: June 20, 2015
There may not be proceeding for this conference, yet the accepted papers will be published in the following journals:
[1] Int. J. of Information Technology and Decision Making(SCI)
[2] Annals of Data Science (Published by Springer)
[3] J. of Systems Science and Information
[4] Fuzzy Information and Engineering (Published by Elsevier)
[5] Fuzzy Mathematics and Systems(Chinese and English)
[6] Journal ofLiaoningTechnicalUniversity(Chi nese)

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