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学术信息发布——Underwater Acoustic Communications
2019-06-18 15:35     (点击: )

报告人:李姜辉 研究员



   2011年毕业于华中科技大学电子与信息工程系,之后在中科院电子所从事研究助理工作,2012年赴英国约克大学学习,2013年获约克大学理学硕士,2017年获约克大学哲学博士并获KM Stott优秀科研奖。目前在英国南安普顿大学及英国国家海洋中心任研究员。研究领域涉及水声通信,海洋工程,及全球变暖。


      The demand for underwater acoustic (UWA) communications has motivated extensive research in a growing number of oceanic applications, e.g., discovery of new resources, marine and oceanographic research, marine commercial operations, speech transmission between divers, remote control in off-shore oil industry, scientific data collection from ocean-bottom stations, control of surface vessels, unmanned or autonomous underwater vehicles (UUVs, AUVs), ocean floor mapping, pollution monitoring in environmental systems. Driven by these demands, the utilisation of underwater communications will likely experience a surge in the near future. High demands in reliable UWA communication schemes call for more effective techniques, some of these techniques are being improved, in terms of throughput, performance, and robustness. Examples can be listed like the development of advanced signal processing algorithms, e.g., Doppler estimation and compensation algorithms, and sparse channel estimation algorithms; the development of direction of arrival (DOA) estimation and beamforming algorithms, e.g., the fractional delay beamforming algorithm; the design of adaptive multi-carrier modulation, e.g., guard-free orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM); etc.


主持人:王洪雁 副教授




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