报告题目:Distributive Attention in Networked Control
报告人: Wong Wing Shing(黄永成)
In a 1997 paper R. W. Brockett proposed the concept of Minimum Attention Control in which control complexity is added to the traditional LQ control cost function as a control optimization objective. On the other hand, the introduction of networked control allows physical plants and control decision makers to be decoupled geographically. Furthermore, the networking framework enables the possibility that the control of a physical plant is shared by multiple decision makers and vice versa a decision maker can control multiple physical plants. In such a system, the attention a decision maker paid to different physical plants becomes a shared resource that needs to be distributed efficiently. Distributive attention control is developed based on this circle of ideas. In this talk, we present some motivating examples and initial results on multi-agent distributive attention control systems.
黄永成(Wong Wing Shing),香港中文大学教授(荣休),国际电气电子工程师学会院士(IEEE Fellow),香港工程科学院院士(FHKIE)。耶鲁大学学士硕士双学位,哈佛大学博士学位。1982年加入AT&T贝尔实验室工作并晋升为管理主任。历任香港中文大学信息工程学系主任、研究生院院长、善衡书院院长等职务。他曾借调到香港特别行政区创新科技署出任科学顾问,担任香港应用科技研究院董事局董事和科技委员会主席。曾任IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control副主编,创办国际期刊Communications in Information and Systems并任联合主编,中国自动化学会第七届理事会理事,东南大学客座教授,东北大学秦皇岛兼职教授,第48届IEEE CDC暨第28届中国控制会议的大会报告人之一。